What is the Most Effective Toenail Fungus Treatment?

What is the best thing to use to get rid of toenail fungus?

Though using antifungal medications is effective, some people experience unpleasant side effects such as upset stomach.

Often, you can take care of a fungal nail infection at home:

•     Try over-the-counter antifungal nail creams and ointments. Several products are available. If you notice white markings on the surfaces of the nails, file them off, soak your nails in water, dry them, and apply the medicated cream or lotion.

•     Trim and thin the nails. This helps reduce pain by reducing pressure on the nails. Also, if you do this before applying an antifungal, the drug can reach deeper layers of the nail.

Oral Antifungal Drugs

These antifungal drugs are often used as the primary option because they clear the toenail fungus quicker than do topical drugs:

itraconazole (Sporanox)

terbinafine (Lamisil)

These drugs enhance the growth process of new toenails. The fungal-free new ones will slowly replace the infected part.

You take this type of drug for 6-12 weeks. But typically the end result won’t be realized until the nail grows back completely. It may take four months or longer for the infection to clear up. People over 65 experience a lower rate of success.

Oral antifungal drugs may cause side effects such as skin rash or liver damage. It is best to take occasional blood tests to see how your immune system is reacting to these drugs. People suffering from liver disease or congestive heart failure are often advised to avoid these type of drugs.

In some cases, it works best when combining oral and topical antifungal remedies.

•     Medicated nail polish. An antifungal nail polish called ciclopirox (Penlac) may be prescribed by a doctor. You apply it on your infected nails and surrounding skin once a day for a week. After one week, you wipe the piled-on layers clean with alcohol and repeat the process all over again. You need to do this weekly routine repeatedly for almost a year.

•     Medicated nail cream. These creams will give you a better result if you first thin your nails. This will help the medication to get to the underlying fungus better. Your doctor may thin the surface of the nail for you with a file, or you can do it yourself with a nonprescription lotion containing urea.

Natural Remedies

If the infection is still in the early stage, some people may choose home remedies. There are a number of popular home remedies that may help treat toenail fungus. The following are some of the most popular methods.

Baking soda

Baking soda soaks up moisture that may cause toenail fungus.

You may try putting baking soda inside your socks and shoes to soak up moisture. You may also apply a paste of baking soda and water directly to the affected nail and let it sit for 10 minutes or more before rinsing. Do it 5-7 times a day until the infection subsides.

Researchers found that baking soda prevented fungal growth in 79 percent of the specimens tested. In another 17 percent, baking soda reduced fungal growth, though it did not eradicate it.

Mentholated topical ointment

Menthol, eucalyptus oil, and camphor are classified as mentholated topical ointment. We know for so long that this kind of ointment helps treat cough and cold symptoms. But the ingredients found in mentholated ointments have other properties that are also effective in treating toenail fungus.

You can try this method by applying mentholated ointment directly to the affected nail daily for several weeks until the nail shows improvements.

Using one of these ointments to treat toenail fungus, one small study found all participants satisfied with the results of using the rub on their toenail fungus. The infections on their toenails are curtailed, though not completely eradicated. Only 25% are fully cured at the end of the study.

More research is needed to substantiate that a mentholated ointment is an effective option for treating toenail fungus.


Mixing 2 parts of warm water with 1 part of vinegar, you soak the toes in a bowl of this mixture. Though there is no clinical evidence to prove its effectiveness, there is enough anecdotal evidence to suggest that using vinegar is a viable option to fight toenail fungus.


Soaking the toenails in a small bowl of mouthwash is another home remedy that a lot of people prefer. Just like vinegar, there is no concrete scientific evidence to support its effectiveness. However, some studies suggest that many types of mouthwash have antifungal properties.


To use garlic, chop up a clove and apply it to the affected nails and leave it on for half an hour. Be cautious when using this method because raw garlic can cause a chemical burn on the skin. Though limited, there is some scientific proof to support its antifungal properties.

Snakeroot extract

Snakeroot, also known as Ageratina, is a part of the sunflower family and is known for its antifungal properties. It is a traditional treatment for fungal infections in Mexico, but not as popular in the United States.

Research shows that specific compounds within snakeroot have antifungal properties against strains of fungus that can cause athlete’s foot.

Snakeroot extract can be purchased online or at specialty stores. Typically, you need to apply the snake root extract to the infected toenails a few times a week for 3 months before experiencing satisfactory results.

Essential oil blends

It may help to apply essential oils with antifungal properties to the affected nails.

Blends of certain essential oils may have an antifungal effect when applied to fungus.

These blends included:

  • lavender oil
  • petitgrain oil
  • clary sage oil
  • ylang ylang oil
  • jasmine oil

One suggests that blends of these oils have an antifungal and antimicrobial effect in laboratory samples. However, the efficacy depends on the mix of the oils and the amount of the chemicals linalool and linalyl acetate that the oils contain.

How to use them

A person interested in trying a blend of essential oils can buy the oils online or from a health food store. Mix the oil with a carrier oil before applying the mixture to the affected nails.

Ozonized oils

Ozonized oils are oils infused with ozone gas. Examples of oils that are available in ozonized form include sunflower oil and olive oil.

According to one study, ozonized oils show positive effects similar to a traditional medication called terbinafine cream in treating one type of fungus. In this study, the researchers used rabbits to test the effectiveness of the treatment.

Another study carried out on 400 people tested how ozonized oils affected fungal infections. In this 2011 study, researchers used ozonized sunflower oil to treat toenail fungus.

Their results indicated that ozonized oils cured up to 90.5 percent of the total infections with only a 2.8 percent relapse rate after 1 year. The researchers concluded the ozonized sunflower oil works more effectively than ketoconazole cream, which is an antifungal medication.

How to use them

To use ozonized oils, apply the oil to affected nails twice a day for 3 months.

Olive leaf extract

Some researchers have identified olive leaf extract as a potential home remedy for toenail fungus. People have used olive leaf extract for centuries, though not many people in the U.S. use it, today.

According to one review, olive leaf extract is a safe way to help treat toenail fungus.

However, olive leaf extract may cause potential side effects. These include flu-like symptoms, such as:

  • fatigue
  • head and muscle aches
  • vomiting and diarrhea

How to use it

A person should start slowly to help avoid the side effects. If taking capsules, a person can typically take between one and three capsules two times a day with a meal once they are used to them.

Downside of Home Remedies

Home remedies for toenail fungus may be a safe alternative to traditional medications.

However, these treatment options are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the same way as medications.

Other Options:

ZetaClear :

If you prefer topical treatment but find it cumbersome to get access to all those natural ingredients, there is another option. You can use ZetaClear. ZetaClear is clinically proven and approved by the FDA. It is made from totally natural ingredients. It is very safe and free from side effects. It has soothing and natural oils that can easily reach the underside of your nails in order to attack the infection directly. In addition to treating the infection, it will also help your nails have a healthier looking appearance.

Here are the ingredients of the ZetaClear nails solution:

• Vitamin E oil

• Lemongrass oil

• Tea tree oil

• Almond oil

• Clove oil

• Undecylenic acid

• Jojoba oil

Read More:

Visit ZetaClear Official website

Dietary changes

By including iron-rich foods in the diet, you can prevent brittle nails. Though this method is not clinically proven, many people who have tried a dietary change confirmed that it has cured toenail fungus and improved overall well-being.

Foods that should be included in your diet:

  • any food rich in calcium and vitamin D
  • fatty acids found in oily fish, such as salmon
  • yogurts that contain probiotics
  • food rich in lean protein to help nail growth
  • foods rich in iron such as spinach

Alternative to Dietary Change:

If you find it hard to consume all those foods rich in vitamins and minerals all at once, there is a supplement that can help you achieve your goal of getting sufficient vitamins and minerals to kill nail fungus quicker.

Keravita Pro is an all-natural supplement that is designed to support stronger and healthier nails & hair. Its natural blend of ingredients includes various vitamins, minerals, and powerful anti-inflammatory herbal extracts.

These are some of the ingredients found in Keravita Pro:

Vitamin C: an essential vitamin that supports your immune system and skin reconstruction.

Selenium: vital trace mineral that supports the growth of hair and nails.

Vitamin E: helps to repair and regenerate damaged cells.

Essiac tea complex: boosts your immunity and  helps you remove inflammation in your body.

Graviola leaf: helps eliminate bacteria and fungus from your nails.

Mushroom complex: strengthens your immune system, fights off inflammation and infections, and provides anti-fungal support to prevent future fungal infections down the road.

Besides the ingredients mentioned above, Keravita Pro also includes panax ginseng, olive leaf, quercetin, pine bark, beta-glucan, green tea leaf, and many more. All of these ingredients are specifically designed to eliminate nail fungus, reduce inflammation, and to strengthen your nails and hair.

Read More:

Visit Keraveta Pro Official website

When to see a doctor

Toenail fungus is not a significant problem for most people. However, some people are most at risk for complications if they have diabetes or weakened immune systems. In such cases, they should seek medical treatment for their toenail fungus and avoid home remedies altogether.

Furthermore, those of you who have tried home remedy but do not see improvements or have complications, you should stop this method immediately and go see a doctor.  


Your doctor will examine your nails. He may scrape debris from under your nail or take some nail clippings. These samples will be sent to a lab to identify the specific type of fungus that caused the infection.

Microorganisms such as yeast and bacteria also can infect nails. Other conditions, such as psoriasis, can mimic a fungal infection of the nail. Knowing the cause of your infection helps determine the best course of treatment.


In some cases, fungal nail infections can be difficult to treat. If self-treatment and OTC products haven’t helped your conditions, consult your doctor because the infection may be too severe for to handle it by yourself. In some difficult cases, it can take months to see results. Even if the nail condition improves, re-infection is common.


In extreme cases when the infections don’t respond to medicines or cause so much pain, a removal of the nail may be necessary. Otherwise, your doctor won’t be able to apply the antifungal drug directly to the infected area under the nail.

Preparing for your appointment

When you call to set up an appointment, you may be referred to either a dermatologist (skin doctor) or a podiatrist (foot doctor).

Before going to see a doctor

  • List your symptoms, including other symptoms that may be unrelated to nail fungus.
  • List all the medications, vitamins and supplements you’re currently taking.