How to Get a Man Hooked

The secret to winning any man’s heart is to understand the hero instinct. When you know how to trigger a man’s hero instinct, his heart will be yours and yours alone. He’ll go to the ends of the earth to make you happy. 

On the other hand, if a woman doesn’t bring out her man’s hero instinct, he’ll always feel like something important is missing and eventually seek out a woman who knows this secret.

Hero instinct is a biological Drive just like hunger, thirst, and sex. Once this drive is triggered, it becomes more powerful than all three combined.

A popular psychologist, James Bauer, has detailed the significance of Hero Instinct elaborately in a book called His Secret Obsession. This article is a compilation of some tidbits from the book. If you want a more comprehensive guide, please check out the full version. It may change your life.

7 things every man wants to hear:

Men are known to put up a front that paints them as tough. They don’t want people to see their vulnerability. But there are some things that every guy wants to hear. These are things that will reassure, encourage and edify them. 

The ego factor exists in every person but males suffer much more from it than females.

On the one hand, a man is a proud creature. He needs to feel strong, independent, and respected in a relationship. But on the other hand, his ego is so fragile that they want to be treated as big babies.

So if you do want to maintain a good connection in the long-lasting relationship, you need to be aware that learning how to feed his ego is compulsory. And don’t think it is difficult to provide food to his ego. There are a lot of seemingly common things that you can do to actually help fulfill his ego.

Here are some specific suggestions.

 #1. Don’t compare your man to others.

The vast majority of men hate to be compared to other men by their women. When he is compared to other men who have superior talents in the presence of him, he may have crippling self-doubt and he may experience something unpleasant that hurt his own idealized identity.

#2. Don’t scold him as if he was your child even though he indeed did something wrong.

Surely it is not wrong to ask your man to make positive changes. But remember to focus on reminding him of specific things that he should improve without need to make personal remarks. When you go after his character flaws, he tends to feel that you are bruising his ego. Hence probably he will act defensively to protect his ego, and turn a deaf ear to what you are really saying.

Whether you like it or not, you have to accept your man’s ego as a component of the marital relationship.

Saying the things men want to hear can work wonders for a relationship, by bringing you closer to each other.

By letting him know how you feel and what he means to you, he will love and cherish you even more.

So what exactly are these magic words?

  #3.   Tell him you trust him.

This is a biggie for a man. He’ll feel great if he knows that you rely on and trust him, and he’ll do everything in his power to make sure he doesn’t let you down. This makes him feel loved and important in your eyes which can only make things better for you too.

   #4.  Tell him you’re proud of him.

He’ll take on the world for you and work his fingers to the bone to live up to your pride. A man’s self-esteem is often linked to how he earns a living. Get him talking about what he’s accomplished and you can make his day.

  #5.  Tell him how important he is to you.

Everybody needs to feel like they have value. By making a point of telling him how much he means to you and how he makes your world a better and happier place, you can build him up. He’ll want to prove you right by doing so much for you.

    #6.  Tell him you want him.

There is no more powerful turn-on for a man than to hear that his woman wants him. The strong attraction that is already there between you will grow to be even stronger when you let him know that you want him.

     #7. Finally, and most importantly, tell him that you love him.

These are the most important words of all and can bring an even greater closeness and intimacy to your relationship.

Coping with your man’s ego tends to be tricky.

If you want to get a comprehensive guide on how to strengthen your relationship through stroking his fragile ego, you might go to watch the free presentation by clicking the link below.